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Exclusive Maintenance & Support Contract


(tick) Exclusive frozen customer branch

(tick) Your branch, your change requests and no other changes

(tick) Bugfix Backports

(tick) Basis for special exclusive code changes, based on your requirements

Exclusive Maintenance & Support Contract in Detail

By default, only our main version is maintained and further developed. Bugs are fixed along with any new features in the latest version. Bug fixes are not backported to special versions. Thus, most bug fixes are potentially shipped with new features. This maintenance and development is covered by the standard license that can be purchased through the Atlassian Marketplace.

This standard support and its maintenance can be extended by a exclusive maintenance & support contract specifically tailored to your company. This extension results in a dedicated maintenance line ("Frozen Customer Branch") and guarantees that a version requested by you will be maintained and further developed exclusively for you for an agreed period of time according to your wishes. You decide which bugfixes from the mainline will be applied. Furthermore, such a branch offers the basis for special wishes and requirements, which are realized exclusively for your maintenance line and are not transferred back to the mainline.

Your branch, your change requests and no other changes. Changes will only be made if you give us the order to do so.


The price is based on the price of the standard license. The price you pay for the standard license is also the price you pay for the support of the Frozen version, but at least $10,000/year. The price includes maintenance and support of the maintenance line for one year and backports of bug fixes. Implementation of new special features in this branch is not included in this price.
If you are interested in this extension, we can provide you with a quote. Please contact our sales department for a quote.

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